- Sterilizing box, stainless steel, 25 x 10 x 5 cm (192 080)
- Haemostatic forceps heart-shaped, 16cm (105 350)
- Mayo Hegar needle-holder, 14cm (105 650)
- Dissecting forceps with teeth, 16cm (105 490)
- Dissecting forceps no teeth, 18cm (105 530)
- Needle on handle, straight point, 15cm (110 090)
- Probe spear point, 13cm (110 070)
- Director, 14cm, x2 (110 020)
- Cotton carrier probe, 14cm (110 050)
- Jones towel forceps, 9cm, x2 (105 429)
- Iris scissors straight, 11cm (100 530)
- Rochester-Pean forceps no teeth straight, 16cm (105 180)
- Surgical scissors straight blunt/sharp, 16cm (100 125)
- Kocher forceps with teeth straight, 16cm (105 100)
- Suture needle 3/8 triangular, spring eye, n°4, x12 (125 260)
- Scalpel blade n°22, x10 (109 150)
- Splint forceps, 10cm (105 560)
- Scalpel handle n°4 (109 030)